Please add Part time jobs seperately
Anonymous commented
i am looking a part time job in any field like store, Restaurant ,construction or mechanical field etc so please reply me or contact me i am livining in Riffa east. and my contact no is +91-973 33750601,973 36088137
zaib commented
i am looking gor part time job i have good experience in saudi arabia
Anonymous commented
iam looking job all type split a/c, dected split a/c, cooler, whater servicing and gasecharging.iam lookin need to work villa riyadhe call my number 0540525406
Anonymous commented
split a/c whater servicing and gase charging, my number 0540525406
Anonymous commented
Am looking for a job as a hair dresser in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia 35642469
Sumaiya fradhous commented
Sumaiya fradhous tally and D.t.p
A am comming abuthabi for visit visa 1 month visatime (7.5.16--3.6.16) -
abdul hakeem commented
Iam looking Part Time driver job in Dubai o527293818
abdul hakeem commented
Iam looking Partime Driver Job in Dubai
Anonymous commented
We need partners and volunteers to be part of our NGO in Uganda. You must have a good fundraising ability or resources mobilisation expertise in Education, Community Health, Agriculture and Business Innovation Skills and Biodiversity conservation.Request for a form from us or find us on Facebook and LinkedIn:World Action Fund
E-mail -
Anonymous commented
I have been working in the field of Document Conntroll, Material Controll, HR related job from 15 years.Now I am seeking for a career oriented opportunity in oman.
Please consider me as a innovative, hardworking team player.96028635 -
ismail khan commented
Dear HR,
I have been working in the field of Digital Printing solutions from 15years as a Production Manager. Now I am seeking for a career oriented opportunity in pakistan
Please consider me as a innovative, hardworking team player.Regards,
Ismail Khan
+0300-2671759 Email ismailkhan500@gmailcom -
N khan commented
I am locking Surveying part time job in Riyadh i have my Own Instruments ,Total station and GPS.Auto level Latest Model i am free after 3 pm all days and Friday Full day
And i have also my car just call me and send me location i will comemy Contact is 0594662984
Anonymous commented
I need part time job after 3 pm 0532645018
Anonymous commented
I need part time job i am ferr affter 3 pm al days
Anonymous commented
Mohammad noor I am living hail and i am free 2pm to 7pm. I need part time jobs. Please contact me in this number 0594776585
Anonymous commented
I need a job in part time. I looking a job.
Anonymous commented
I am looking for baby's or children to take care of ,I'm living in king Abdullah road please just call my cp number if you are interested 0556208714
Anonymous commented
Hello i am looking For Job(Oracle Developer).
Email: -
Abdulsamad commented
Hello iam looking part time job
Early morning iam free 6am to 9am iam free and again 3pm to7pm iam free. Plzz contact with mee iam living in riyadh .Near olaya street riyadh gallery and also I have a driving licence plzz contact to in my number 0537955207 .Any kind of work i can doo. -
Anonymous commented
I am living in Riyadh pleace part time job. email